

I began my experience with the Salt Room in March, doing a 45 minute “Halotherapy” session every week, in an attempt to find relief from spring allergies & acute sinusitis. Meds from doctors and over the counter quick fixes, were making me ill, costing me money and were simply not working. I found that going once a week gave me almost instant relief for a few days, but I could hardly wait to get back when I couldn’t breath again. I am a poster child for “halotherapy”. Smoked for 40 years, triple bypass 4 years ago and consistent hives from my heart meds, to name only a few of my issues.

So, I committed to spending an entire month going every day to see if that basic relief could change into something more. After one month, I not only reaped the benefits that I assumed, there were also a few surprises. Of course, while everyone else around me is suffering from infamous Las Vegas pollen, I was not after 14 days. Though I have not smoked for 4 years, the first couple of weeks coughed up residual damage I still had in my lungs. The coughing has stopped. Crippling post-nasal drip is under control and barely noticeable. After the 3rd week I noticed that swollen glands that I had become accustomed to over the years just below my ears, weren’t there anymore. Even with a deviated septum, I can breath clearly now. No more snoring!

The real surprise were hives from medication. They are gone! And I find my mind clear and more focused. I wake up early after a solid 7 to 8 hours sleep in an incredible mood. This has not been the norm for a 59 year old woman with my issues.

I have gone to extremes, committing myself to this hour everyday as an experiment, having minimal expectations. I am a skeptic at heart. After doing my due diligence on halotherapy and reading the medical benefits of consistency, I was willing to give this a chance.

I will continue after this month for a few days a week. Consistency is the key if I want to continue the progress I have made thus far. 45 minutes out of my day relaxing in a Salt Cave is more than a gift now. It is a necessity. In Las Vegas, there isn’t anything as specific for holistic alternatives to my health that have actually worked for me. Ava, the proprietor and her staff have made me feel like family even before, I started this endeavor. Another one of those unexpected surprises I’ve encountered through this whole experience.

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