
Seeds to Happiness Blog #13 – Standards baby…

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”  Gandhi

I am not just talking about having standards with men/women, things you buy, or hotels your stay at, but more like having a BLUEPRINT FOR LIFE. Spend some time crafting your blueprint of life, then WALK THE TALK. Crafting your personal standards of integrity will help you define your core values and live your life unapologetically.

Well, how do I create my standards you might ponder?

Step 1 – Connect with your true self and figure out what makes YOU happy and gives you JOY – not people around you, not your child, not your family, but YOU. What do YOU like and what do YOU dislike? Make sure the WHY comes from your authentic self – the inner child of yours, not the societally programmed YOU that is worried about others’ opinions. Really spend some time to get to know yourself. The best way to start is to weed out things that you DON’T like. Let your intuition be your guide and your heart be your navigation system. – Don’t forget to MAKE A LIST of everything that makes you happy and brings you joy.

Step 2 – Write a list of all the people that you admire – from teachers, neighbors to celebrities & influencers. Then write every single personality feature you admire about each person. Take a minute to read each one of these qualities out loud and pay attention how it makes you feel. Write down every single quality and trait that you feel strongly connected to. These are qualities that reside within you and you just need to connect with them.

Congratulations, you have officially established your STANDARDS OF INTEGRITY! Now if you take these standards and add the choices based on these standards while keeping your dream in mind, it will give you the shortest and straightest formula to your DREAM!

Alternatively, when you deviate from your own standards, or make choices disregarding them, you violate your own integrity, which results in energy drain. Guilt, resentment, regret, remorse starts creeping in and sidetrack you. Don’t worry, EACH DAY IS A NEW SLATE! So next time you are presented with a choice, ask yourself:

  • Is this in line with my standards of integrity?
  • Is this in line with my dream/purpose?

By simply answering these two questions you should be able to make an educated decision. Harness your energy by living your blueprint and it will keep you on track and help fuel your dreams.

Yours in setting the standard,
Ava Mucikyan
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