
Author Archive | saltroom


Natural Alternatives for Relieving Allergies

Spring brings us a new wave and mix of allergies in Las Vegas. Whether you are planning on hiking in Red Rock or watching a game, you are bound to be outdoor. While you are excited for the nicer weather, spring can be a discomfort for those suffering from seasonal allergies. Stuffy and runny nose, […]

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Setting Your Intentions during New Moon!

Did you know that we are all affected by the moon cycles? Just like the tides, people are also affected by the moon. It comes at no surprise considering we are made of 75% water. New Moon is a great time to reset, reflect and set new intentions. It is not the time for action, […]

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Blessings of COVID-19

As the world comes to a standstill I wonder… Being stuck at home may not necessarily be so bad after all! When productivity overruns your purpose, Universe finds a way to slow you down so consciousness can find its way to sneak in. You become more aware of your thoughts, you connect more with those […]

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White Border with Photo Greeting Birthday Facebook Post

20+ Resources available to you locally…

“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” ~ Howard Zinn As life comes to standstill, I wonder… Being stuck at home may not necessarily be so bad after all! In this time of distress it is especially important to stay calm and focused, as panic and fear only create more chaos. […]

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Message from Ava on preventative measures from COVID-19

Dear Valued customer, Given the most recent developments around the coronavirus, I want to share with you that The Salt Room takes the health and well-being of our guests and staff very seriously. Please be assured we are keeping a close eye on updates with local and state health departments so we can be prepared […]

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3 Tantric Secrets of Long-Lasting Couples

Tantra Yoga is an ancient science of personal and spiritual evolution. What sets it apart from other similar systems is its ability to address every aspect of life, without leaving anything outside its wide scope. From material and social aspects, to scientific education, sexuality, love, mental training and transcendental meditative experiences, everything can benefit from […]

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7 ways to relieve your Allergies naturally this season

Spring brings us a new wave and mix of allergies in Las Vegas. Whether you are planning on hiking in Red Rock or watching a game, you are bound to be outdoors. While you are excited for the nicer weather, the spring can be a discomfort for those suffering from seasonal allergies. Stuffy and runny nose, itchy and […]

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Beautiful young woman having a maderotherapy massage  treatment in spa salon - wellness

5 reasons to self-care for a more grounded 2020

Happy New Year and Happy New Decade!!! What if we flow into this new decade with a little more intention and a little less rigid resolutions? What if we listened to our own body and took action based on our wants and needs vs socially inflicted have-to’s? Imagine discarding all expectation and giving ourselves permission […]

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Setting Intentions for 2020

As we are fast approaching the end of yet another year, slow down and review what you  have and have not accomplished. Then set your intentions for the upcoming New Year 2020! One of my favorite things to do is to manifest my intentions with candles. Once the candle is lit, pay attention to the […]

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Many Uses of Himalayan Salt

Let’s talk facts! Many of you are still unclear why Himalayan Salt is better than other salts and what are the many uses of it for health benefits? The Himalayan mountain range stretches across Asia passing through China, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and India. Most people associate the Himalayans with Mount Everest, the highest peak on this […]

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