
Ss4-1583x503ince the days of Egypt’s Queen Cleopatra salt therapies have been known to have therapeutic benefits. Whether dipping themselves in the Dead Sea or taking treks into Eastern European salt caves, sufferers of many different respiratory and skin ailments have benefited from the restorative powers of salts. In 1843, a Polish physician Felix Boczkowski first wrote about the benefit of salt mines. He noted that salt miners had much lower rates of lung disease compared to the rest of the population. He attributed the cause of the salt miners’ good health to the salt cave air that was saturated with saline dust. Soon Halotherapy (“Halos” means “Salt” in Greek) became a common drug-free treatment for many chronic lung and skin conditions.


Learn the benefits of Salt Therapy and Halotherapy.



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Children respond to Halotherapy quicker than adults, since they have a stronger immune system.


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